IWLA is conducting their Essentials of Warehousing Course at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center in Atlanta this week and our very own Lisa Bond is a guest instructor focusing on Food Safety.
Lisa Bond of The Shippers Group Leads Food Safety Track
Topics: Warehousing, News Room
Wilmer Earns Highest BRC Ratings 4th Consecutive Year
Our Wilmer team scored the highest rating achievable, an AA rating for 2018, for the BRC Global Standards Audit for Storage and Distribution. This is a repeat of AA rating receive in 2017 at Wilmer. BRC incorporated the rating into the audit program in 2017. Prior to this, Wilmer received the highest scores from BRC in 2014-2016. Ahead of BRC, Wilmer received Superior Ratings from AIB International in 2011-2013.
Topics: Warehousing, News Room
The Grand Lakes Team is Dedicated to Food Safety and Client Success
The Shippers Group Team in Grand Lakes celebrated receiving another AA rating for meeting storage and distribution BRC global food safety standards and a successful 2Q Quarterly Business Review with Ferrara Candy. Members of the Ferrara team present in picture include Vince Ippolito, Emily Berghoff and Michael Stautmeister. Congratulations to Chris Vandergriff, General Manager, and all of the Grand Lakes associates for all your hard work and dedication to Ferrara Candy!
Topics: Warehousing
The Shippers Group Among Inbound Logistics Top 100 3PL Providers
“It’s a boon year for third-party logistics providers offering innovative, flexible, and reliable solutions to meet shipper demand,” according to Inbound Logistics.
Editors chose The Shippers Group among the best of the best.
What Makes The Shippers Group a Leading 3PL Provider?
Topics: Warehousing, Accolades & Awards
The Shippers Group Donates Warehousing Services for Hurricane Relief
Excerpt source: Kathy Fulton, American Logistics Aid Network - October 1, 2017, Stories
When an offer of 150 pallets’ worth of free cleaning and personal hygiene supplies crossed its path, Good360 didn’t have the space to accept them — or the heart to turn them down when they were so needed by those impacted by disasters. Here’s all the “dirt” about how ALAN and The Shippers Group made it possible for the humanitarian organization to say yes to this hugely useful donation, and how those supplies have been helping survivors of Hurricanes Irma and Maria make a clean start since.
Topics: Warehousing, Community